Admission Policy 1. Introduction 1.1 Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah (MAA) provides a holistic, integrated learning experience to develop future religious leaders of quality for Singapore. It functions within a progressive approach to teaching and learning that engenders the values of multilingualism and international-mindedness. The school comes under the ambit of the Islamic religious council of Singapore, MUIS and is registered under the Education Act.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity Policy 1. Introduction 1.1The Academic Honesty Policy of the madrasah is designed within the framework of the school values of Itqan (efficient), Ihsan (compassion) and Ikhlas (sincerity). The strive towards excellence, the need to show care and concern for others and the honesty and sincerity in effort that the madrasah community aspires to engender, govern the way in which work is done and appreciated. This policy details the expectations and responsibility of every Madrasah Aljunied student in upholding academic honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work and conduct.
Assessment Policy 1. Philosophy of Madrasah Education 1.1. The aim of the assessment policy is to support the educational philosophy of the madrasah education system in Singapore and in particular, the education provided in Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah. Assessment is a key aspect of teaching and learning that aims to bring about a learning experience that is truly holistic, relevant, authentic, impactful and empowering.
Language Policy 1. Introduction 1.1Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah (MAA) provides a holistic, integrated learning experience to develop future religious leaders of quality for Singapore. The school comes under the ambit of the Islamic religious council of Singapore, MUIS and is registered under the Education Act.
Inclusion Policy 1. Introduction 1.1 Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah (MAA) provides a holistic, integrated learning experience to develop future religious leaders of quality for Singapore. The school comes under the ambit of the Islamic religious council of Singapore, MUIS and is registered under the Education Act. MAA offers multiple educational tracks for its students, namely the Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level curriculum, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and the Azhar 2.0 programme. It is committed to supporting learner variability and removing barriers to learning. MAA values every student and aims to nurture each and every one of them as a caring and considerate member of the community. The all-round development and well-being of our students are central to our teaching philosophy. We advocate a progressive curriculum and provide a conducive learner-centred environment that seeks to inspire our students towards achieving religious and academic excellence, in their respective capacities.
Parent or Legal Guardian and Student Complaints Policy and Procedures 1. Introduction 1.1 Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah (MAA) provides a holistic, integrated learning experience to develop future religious leaders of quality for Singapore. The school comes under the ambit of the Islamic religious council of Singapore, MUIS and is registered under the Education Act.